Project Portfolio
Completed Projects
Provide a technical team in support of development and implementation of The Nature Conservancy Indonesia Fisheries Conservation Program (Phase 1).
Lead: Jos S. Pet.
The TNC Indonesia Fisheries Conservation Program (TNC IFCP) was established in 2014. It is part of the TNC Indonesia Program, which has its headquarters in Jakarta, Indonesia. In Indonesia, The Nature Conservancy works in partnership with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. TNC IFCP is funded by private foundations, most of which are based in the United States. TNC IFCP has a long-term commitment to sustainability of Indonesia's marine capture fisheries.
TNC IFCP works with Indonesian fishing companies, fishing communities, and government agencies on management systems where fishers have secure and controlled access to fisheries resources. The TNC program also helps Indonesian fishing companies and fishing communities to innovate for better traceability, and works with research institutions in Indonesia and beyond to apply state-of-the-art methods for data-poor stock assessment.
There are three components within Phase 1 (development) of the TNC Indonesia Fisheries Conservation Program:
The Timor Sea deepslope demersal fishery,
Lesser Sunda islands tuna fishery, and
Rote and Sumbawa nearshore TURF/ reserves.
All of the different components put a strong emphasis on collaboration through data collection and data sharing, and a strong emphasis on private-sector driven initiatives. The programs aim to address the main problem, overfishing, due to too many boats. The focus of the program is on rebuilding of fish stocks through improved management based on size based stock assessments.
After completion of Phase 1, PNCI continues to work with the TNC Indonesia Fisheries Conservation Program on an expanded Deep Slope Demersal Fisheries Program, ultimately envisioned to cover all fisheries management areas in Indonesia. See “current projects” for updates on Phase 2.
Lead: Erik Meijaard
Impact assessment study of CIFOR's rattan research program on rattan-related policies, deforestation, and community livelihoods.
Lead: Erik Meijaard
South-East Asia coordinator for the conservation program development of the Shining Hope Foundation.
Lead: Jos Pet and Peter Mous
Implementation of a socio-economic study on coastal fisheries in Brunei Darussalam as part of Department of Fisheries planning of Marine Protected Area development in Brunei coastal waters.
Lead: Rona Dennis
Assist the Orangutan Conservation Services Program in the development and implementation of best management practices for the management of orangutan populations in natural forest concessions, pulp and paper plantations, oil palm plantations, and mining concessions.
Lead: Jos S. Pet
Conducting Environmental Impact Assessments on ship groundings, stakeholder assessments, costing out of forgone benefits.
Lead: Jos S. Pet
Conducting Environmental Impact Assessments on ship groundings, facilitating out-of-court settlement of environmental damages, stakeholder facilitation, costing out of forgone benefits.
Lead: Erik Meijaard
Provide input into the development of Asia Pulp and Paper’s 2008-2009 sustainability report, with a specific focus on the forestry supply side and conservation programs.
Lead: Jos S. Pet
Conducting Environmental Impact Assessments on ship groundings, facilitating out-of-court settlement of environmental damages, stakeholder facilitation, costing out of forgone benefits.
Lead: Gede Wiadnya
Assist the environmental organization Rare with provision of training to their campaign managers. This includes development of training materials as well as facilitation in classrooms and in the field. Rare's marine program focuses on social marketing for establishment and management of no-take areas.
Leads: Peter Mous and Jos Pet
Assist the environmental organization Rare with development of a curriculum for their campaign managers, and with supervision of implementation of campaigns. This assignment entails site visits, progress review, facilitation of classroom sessions, and development of training materials. Rare's marine program focuses on social marketing for establishment and management of no-take areas.
Lead: Erik Meijaard
Assist in the development of socio-economic indicators within a conservation action planning framework for TNC worldwide field sites.
Lead: Ed M. Norton
Providing advice on environmentally sustainable investment strategies worldwide. This assignment is based from San Fransisco, USA.
Lead: Danang Widodo
Cost modeling and assessment of potential revenue streams for management of the Savu Sea Marine Protected Area in South East Indonesia. Based on initial management planning processes coordinated by The Nature Conservancy (TNC).
Lead: Jos.S. Pet
Advising WFF on grant-making opportunities in Indonesia. Performance evaluation and review of grantees. Assisting environmental NGOs in Indonesia to develop seascape-wide marine conservation programs.
Lead: Danang Widodo
Providing financial expertise to WFF programs in Sulu-Sulawesi, Bird's Head, and the Eastern Tropical Pacific.
Lead: Peter J. Mous.
Providing technical and managerial support for the Marine Program of WWF-Indonesia.
Lead: Ed. M. Norton
Wyss Foundation is a private, charitable foundation dedicated to land conservation in the Intermountain West.
Lead: Erik Meijaard.
Review for a project led by FSC in preparation for a multi-year, GEF-funded project on certification of ecosystem services.
Lead: Erik Meijaard.
Comments and guidance on paper regarding great apes and conservation.
Lead: Erik Meijaard.
Producing two chapters for the Handbook of the Mammals of the World project, one on Tragulidae and one on Suidae.
Lead: Erik Meijaard.
Preparation and guiding of field trip by a Cambodian delegation to Danau Sentarum NP, West Kalimantan.
Lead: Erik Meijaard.
Development of a high level biodiversity monitoring framework for the IndoMet Coal Project in Kalimantan.
Lead: Erik Meijaard.
Desktop study and advisory role for mitigating the environmental impacts of planned mine expansion in South Kalimantan.
Lead: Rona Dennis.
Assist BHP Billiton and their NGO partners in the development of a biodiversity strategy for their Coal Contracts of Work in Central Kalimantan Province, as well as a broader sustainable development strategy for the broader district in which the company aims to operate.
Lead: Erik Meijaard
Comments and guidance to conservation researchers of the Center for International Forestry Research (CFIOR) on a paper regarding great apes and their conservation.
Lead: Erik Meijaard.
Producing the monthly Science Chronicles, a critical science newsletter published by the Nature Conservancy (TNC) and widely read among conservationists.
Lead: Erik Meijaard.
Conducting an in-depth analysis of the legal, political, economic and socio-cultural context of Biosphere Reserves in the Asia Pacific and the added value that these reserves provide to normal protected areas.
Lead: Peter J. Mous
Contribute to a proposal for the USAID-Indonesia Indonesia Marine and Climate Support Project.
Lead: Erik Meijaard
Preparation and guiding of field trip by Cambodian group of government officials, farmer groups, and NGOs to Danau Sentarum NP, West Kalimantan.
Lead: Erik Meijaard
Write a summary and review of the Orangutan Conservation Services Program in reference to the new USAID-funded forestry project in Indonesia.
Lead: Erik Meijaard.
Providing technical input into developing best management practices for orangutan populations outside protected areas, analyzing data sets on orangutan distribution and deforestation, and developing communication materials to disseminate these new developments in orangutan conservation.
Lead: Erik Meijaard
Advice on the development of a policy strategy for the Foundation with regard to the conservation of Great Ape species.
Lead: Jos Pet
Implementation of a preliminary study on feasibility of MPA network development in coastal waters of Brunei Darussalam.
Lead: Jos Pet
Development of a work-plan and budget for the USAID funded Coral Triangle Support Program (CTSP) a consortium of large international conservation NGOs.
Lead: Jos S. Pet and Peter J. Mous.
Develop a strategy for a RARE marine conservation campaign. RARE is an international NGO who specializes in social marketing for conservation. For RARE, we designed a strategy that focuses on social marketing for marine reserves.
Lead: Danang Widodo.
Facilitating a review for The Nature Conservancy Coral Triangle Program of the collaboration between the TNC-WWF Wakatobi Program and Balai Besar Taman Nasional Wakatobi, the government agency responsible for management of Wakatobi National Park.
Lead: Peter J. Mous.
Providing technical, scientific, and managerial suppor for the Marine Program of WWF-Indonesia. Assisting field teams with planning. Design of a zoning system for Cenderawasih Bay National Park.
Lead: Ed M. Norton
Providing strategic advice to USAID Orang Utan Conservation Services Project (Kalimantan and Sumatra, Indonesia) on government relationships (Indonesia - USA), private sector fundraising, informing media and communication strategies.
Lead: Ed M. Norton
Providing advice on conservation finance mechanisms, facilitating debt-for-nature swaps (Indonesia - USA), advising on management of major programs such as Heart of Borneo and the Coral Triangle Initiative.
Lead: Danang Widodo.
Developing an integrated accounting, budgeting, and financial planning system for the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP).
Lead: Peter J. Mous.
Reviewing and editing a WWF report on tuna fisheries and baitfish fisheries in Indonesia “Getting Off The Hook”.
Lead: Jos S. Pet.
Developing a proposal in support of a marine conservation program that is implemented by WWF-Indonesia.
Lead: Danang Widodo.
Strengthening TNC's partner PT Putri Nago Komodo, who manages eco-tourism in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. PT Putri Naga Komodo represents a unique effort to self-finance conservation programs through eco-tourism revenues.
Lead: Danang Widodo.
Overseeing development of visitor infrastructure for PT Putri Nago Komodo, who manages eco-tourism in Komodo National Park, Indonesia.
Lead: Jos S. Pet.
Providing support for development of a marine conservation program that is implemented by WWF-Indonesia.
Lead: Jos S. Pet.
Providing broad technical and managerial support to The Nature Conservancy Coral Coral Triangle Center for a marine conservation program that is implemented by TNC in Indonesia. This program is based in Bali, with field projects in Komodo National Park, Wakatobi National Park, Raja Ampat, and East Kalimantan.